
The General Assembly of Tennessee requires entering students to complete an immunization compliance process. All immunization documentation must be submitted through Med+Proctor.

How To Register and Submit Records

All incoming students are required to use Med+Proctor to submit medical/ immunization records. Submitting this information is easy!


Need help or support uploading documents?

Step 1: Register

Visit and click “register” to start a new account. Type in your school email address to get started and follow the directions, to register a new account.

Step 2: Download

Fill out any required personal, medical or insurance information. Download the required forms and follow the directions provided.

Step 3: Upload

Log back into your Med+Proctor account and upload a copy of your forms. Make sure your forms are complete and legible. You will receive an email confirmation once the forms have been reviewed.

Immunization Records Deadline

All immunization records must be submitted within seven (7) business days before the date on which the student moves into University housing for on-campus/ residential students or seven (7) business days before the first day of classes for off-campus/ commuting students. 

Adequate immunization for each required vaccine or vaccine component includes the requirements below.

Required and Recommended Immunizations


In addition to the exemptions for MMR and Varicella described above, a student is exempt from the immunization requirements if:

  • A physician licensed by the Board of Medical Examiners, the Board of Osteopathic Examiners, or a Health Department determines that a particular vaccine is contraindicated for one or more of the following reasons:
    • (a) The individual meets the criteria for contraindication outlined in the manufacturer’s vaccine package insert;
    • (b) The individual meets the criteria for contraindication published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control or the ACIP; or
    • (c) In the best professional judgment of the physician, based on the individual’s condition and history, the risk of harm from the vaccine outweighs the potential benefit.

Students should submit a Reasonable Accommodation Form to MedProctor.


  • Vaccinations conflict with his or her religious beliefs and practices. Students should submit the Religious Exemption Form to MedProctor.


  • Active service members or veterans can submit their Military ID or DD 214 to MedProctor to clear these immunization requirements.

A student exempted from a particular vaccination must comply with the immunization requirements for any vaccine they have not been exempted.