
The mission of the University of Tennessee Southern’s School of Education is the development of education professionals who are prepared to participate in professional, social, and technological change; who are committed to lifelong learning, service, and continuing professional development through inquiry and reflective practice; and who work in partnership with a range of constituents to effect change at the local level.

College Policies and Information

Admissions Policies

Licensure programs are professional, requiring a formal application made and approval granted for admission into each program.

All education candidates who desire a bachelor’s degree with licensure in any program, including the alternative route in elementary education, are required to apply for admission to the appropriate program during the second semester of the sophomore year. Full admission to the program must be attained no later than the semester prior to clinical practice or no later than the final semester for those students choosing to take the elementary education alternative route. An application must be submitted to the office of the appropriate program coordinator. The application contains the specific requirements for admission to the desired program and will be processed and acted upon by the Teacher Education Committee.

According to the requirements as noted on the application, in addition to a satisfactorily completed application, all education candidates seeking admission to a program shall have:

  • a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 completed at least thirty (30) semester hours
  • at least a “B” in EDU 101, ENG 101, ENG 102, and ENG/COMM 221
  • at least a “C” in the appropriate math course listed for that program (see application for specific program requirements)
  • made or surpassed state required scores on one of the following standardized tests: 1. a required composite score of 21 on the ACT, or a required combined reading, math, and writing score of 1080 on the new SAT. or 2. Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (English, math, reading, and science)
  • a satisfactory rating on three copies of the Educator Disposition Assessment completed by the applicant, a University of Tennessee Southern professor, and a UT Southern education professor
  • submitted a satisfactory writing sample (essay)
  • passed a TBI/FBI background check paid for by the candidate
  • satisfactorily completed an admission interview with members of the Teacher Education Committee
  • submitted official complete college transcripts valid membership in STEA or PET which will be continued until completion of the clinical practice semester
  • submitted a signed copy of the Student’s Rights and Responsibilities form
  • submitted a Program Admission Portfolio Formal

Application for admittance to the education program must be completed and submitted to the office of the program coordinator by March 1 of the spring semester and October 1 of the fall semester prior to the semester in which the education candidates is to be admitted. The applicant will be notified in writing as to the decision of the Teacher Education Committee. Applicants who are denied admission because of certain deficiencies in their program of study must re-apply for admission once the deficiencies are removed. An appeals process enables education candidates to re-apply to the committee for admission. Any education candidate denied admission a second time may then appeal to the Curriculum and Academic Policy Committee through the Provost.

Admission to Clinical Practice For All Programs

Before beginning any field experience, membership in Student Tennessee Education Association (STEA) or the Professional Educators of Tennessee (PET) is required to further familiarize the candidate with professional commitment and involvement responsibilities as well as for insurance liability purposes.

All education candidates who desire Tennessee teacher licensure in any program will engage in fifteen weeks of clinical practice in two different placements (one of eight weeks and one of seven weeks). The job-embedded pathway and some instances of the Grow Your own pathway are exceptions to this clinical practice requirement. Candidates shall refer to the Application for Admission to Clinical Practice and the Clinical Practice Handbook for specific requirements for each program. All candidates shall obtain approval for admission to clinical practice from the Teacher Education Committee. Clinical practice placement will be in the state of Tennessee, generally within a 50-mile radius of the University of Tennessee Southern.

To be eligible for participation in clinical practice, candidates shall have:

  • been admitted to the Teacher Education Program
  • completed and submitted to the program coordinator all required components of the Application for Admission to Clinical Practice by the semester prior to clinical practice
  • completed all course work except clinical practice and clinical practice seminar
  • been classified a senior (90+ hours) by the Registrar’s Office and be within two semesters of graduation
  • passed all required sections of the Praxis II
  • a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.75 in all course work taken at UT Southern
  • earned a “C” or better in each major and professional education course
  • passed a TBI/FBI background check paid for by the candidate
  • a satisfactory rating on three copies of the Educator Disposition Assessment completed by the applicant, a University of Tennessee professor, and a UT Southern education professor
  • submitted a Program Admission Portfolio normally created in EDU 101 and expanded to include artifact(s) in InTASC standards, as well as a revised teaching philosophy (from what was created in EDU 101 for program admission)
  • obtained and provided proof of professional membership (STEA or PET)
  • received approval of the Teacher Education Committee Formal

Application to clinical practice must be completed and submitted to the office of the program coordinator by March 1 of the spring semester and by October 1 of the fall semester prior to the semester in which the education candidate enrolls in clinical practice and clinical practice seminar. Except for special circumstance, the following policy will be followed: Scores from the November Praxis II test date may not be accepted for clinical practice placement for the following spring. Scores from the July Praxis II test may not be accepted for clinical practice placement for the following fall.

Title II Praxis Pass Rates

Title II Praxis Exam Pass Rates available here.

Program Outcomes

  1. Teacher candidates shall demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to succeed in careers within the field.
  2. Teacher candidates shall complete clinical practice and a seminar course in the last semester of their senior year.
  3. Teacher candidates of the licensure program will pass the appropriate Praxis II exam.

Commitment to Mattering and Belonging

From the moment candidates enter the EPP, themes of mattering and belonging are central to their experience. These principles are embedded in the SOE Vision Statement, the “Philosophy, Purposes, Goals, and Institutional Standards of the School of Education” on the Departmental page of the EPP’s website, candidate handbooks, and course content. Mattering and belonging serve as the foundation for learning, ensuring that all individuals feel valued, supported, and included. The EPP envisions these core principles as essential to the individualization of K-12 learning and as key indicators of ethical practice. Because of its location, the SOE is dedicated to increasing opportunities for first-generation candidates. The SOE is committed to building a faculty that reflects a broad range of perspectives through thoughtful hiring and to expanding candidates’ exposure to diverse experiences (e.g., guest speakers, field experiences, etc.). A commitment to mattering and belonging means fostering an environment where all individuals feel respected, heard, and empowered to succeed.

We are dedicated to expanding access to educational opportunities, striving to remove barriers, and making academic pursuits more affordable. Consistent with the University’s commitment to high academic standards, student achievement, and the preparation of responsible citizens, we believe that engaging with individuals from all backgrounds and perspectives fosters a vibrant learning environment that enhances critical thinking and intellectual growth. Our collective strengths make us stronger, and we are committed to promoting an atmosphere where all members of the University community feel welcome, can thrive, and achieve success.

All SOE candidates will demonstrate the following through the InTASC Portfolio:

  1. recognize individual differences and adjust their practice accordingly;
  2. understand how students develop and learn;
  3. treat students equitably;
  4. use multiple methods to meet their goals;
  5. orchestrate learning in group settings where all students feel valued;
  6. encourage active participation from all students;
  7. regularly assess all students’ progress.

To effectively teach and support all children, educators must be prepared to adapt instructional strategies to meet students’ learning needs and foster an environment where every student feels a sense of belonging. Educators hold high standards for all learners and provide the necessary support for their success. The skills and dispositions required to be an effective teacher develop over time through a sequence of courses and supervised clinical experiences, which provide candidates with the knowledge and opportunities to engage meaningfully with students, their families, and their communities.

All students can learn and achieve academic success; however, they bring with them varied learning styles, abilities, interests, and levels of preparation. To work effectively with all children, educators must cultivate an appreciation for different ways of thinking and learning. Candidates need to understand the knowledge, skills, and behaviors that children must master to be academically and socially successful in welcoming and supportive school settings.




Director of Teacher Education

Dr. Janet Hanvy
Office: D.W. Johnston Center, Room J232
Telephone: 931-363-9852
Email: jhanvy@utsouthern.edu