There will be multiple restricted parking locations in preparation for both possible graduation ceremony locations of the Campus Green or CAC. Some of the restricted locations will be reopened early to provide additional parking once the location for the ceremony is determined.
Restrictions Start: Friday 5/3/2024 @ 5:00PM
Restricted Locations:
- Johnston Center Faculty/Staff Parking Lot
- Upperman Hall Parking Lot
- ALL Parking on West Madison Street between 4th Street and 5th Street
- Includes: All parallel parking along Martin Hall/Campus Green and all parking facing Criswell/Fire Pit
- Student Life Center Faculty/Staff Parking Lot
- ALL Parking at CAC
- Includes: Faculty/Staff/Members, Over Flow, Amnesty and Bookstore Parking
- Student Apartment Parking (Not shown on map)
- Includes Parking on the backside of the apartments from the dumpster to the gym and along the gym
- Apartment Residents may still park on the side of the apartments closest to West Madison Street.
To answer a follow-up question concerning parking for Faculty/Staff:
If you are participating in the graduation ceremony there will be limited parking available at the Johnston Center. You will enter from 4th/Flower St. where the Johnston Center is located.
Once this parking location is full you will need to find a space in a location not listed or marked restricted on the map.
The remaining restricted parking areas are reserved for handicap parking. The entrance for handicap parking is 5th/West Madison St. where Martin Hall is located.
All vehicles must be moved from the restricted locations by 5:00PM Friday (5/3/2024).
The restricted locations listed above can be seen outlined in white on the parking map below: